In 1918 the State of North Carolina, in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey, conducted a survey of the limestones and marls of North Carolina. This was published in 1921 as Bulletin No. 28 of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. This Bulletin, which covered the limestones and marbles of the western part of the State and the limestones and marls of the Coastal Plain, is now out of print. Due to the interest in the limestones and marls of the Coastal Plain, it was thought desirable to check over the activities in that area. This is a preliminary report as it has been impossible to visit all the reported and abandoned pits in the area. It is hoped that this can be done eventually. Included is a 22"x34" geologic map of the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. By E. Willard Berry, 1947. 16 pages.