This report presents the results of a detailed study of the bedrock geology of the Sandymush and Canton 7 1/2-minute Quadrangles, North Carolina. The mapping project was prompted by the U.S. Department of Energy's announcement in early 1986 that a 105-square-mile area centered on the two quadrangles was one of a dozen sites in the eastern United States proposed as potentially acceptable for deep burial of high-level radioactive waste (U.S. Department of Energy, 1986). However, for this specific area no comprehensive geologic report had ever been prepared and the few existing geologic maps were only of reconnaissance nature. The present field-based investigation has resulted in the first detailed geologic maps and rock descriptions for the Sandymush-Canton area. The basic, factual data accumulated during the study reveal that local geologic conditions do not meet the Department of Energy's stated criteria for acceptability as a high-level radioactive-waste repository. By Carl E. Merschat and Leonard S. Wiener, 1988. 66 pages. Two 1:24,000 scale folded geologic maps included.