The Sims pluton is a granitic body within the Eastern slate belt largely covered by a thin layer of Atlantic Coastal Plain sediments. The Sims pluton lies on the border of Wilson and Nash Counties, North Carolina in the eastern part of the Raleigh 30 x 60-minute quadrangle. The center of the pluton nearly coincides with the location where the Bailey, Middlesex, Lucama, and Stancils Chapel U.S. Geologic Survey 1:24,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps meet. The objective of this investigation was to characterize the distribution and nature of the granitoids and any contact aureole in order to understand and evaluate the geologic evolution, economic potential, and geophysical and geochemical expression of the Sims pluton. By J. Alexander Speer, 1997. 56 pages.
Please contact Mike Medina at Michael.Medina@ncdenr.gov for a pdf of this publication.