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Powhatan Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the GOLD SAND, CENTERVILLE, CASTALIA and JUSTICE 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Franklin, Nash, Warren and Halifax Counties, North Carolina: NCGS Open File Report 2009-03 Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the RALEIGH 30"x60" Quadrangle, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 2004-02 Preliminary Geology and Geochemistry of Rocks and Saprolite in Part of the FRANKLIN Quadrangle, Macon County, North Carolina: USGS Map MF-2223 Preliminary Hydrogeologic Assessment and Study Plan for a Regional Ground-Water Resource Investigation of the BLUE RIDGE and PIEDMONT Provinces of North Carolina: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4105 Preliminary Map Showing the Occurrence of Siliceous Rocks in Central North Carolina Derived From Enhanced Principal Component Landsat Images USGS Map MF-1817 Prentiss Prentiss Price Princeton Princeton Pungo Lake Pungo Lake Pungo Lake Purlear Putnam PYROPHYLLITE Deposits in North Carolina: NCGS Bulletin 80 Quaternary Geologic Map of the HATTERAS 4x6 degree Quadrangle, United States USGS Map I-1420 Quitsna Quitsna Rabun Bald Raeford Raeford Rainbow Springs Rainbow Springs Raleigh 100k Raleigh 250k Raleigh East Raleigh West Ramseur Randleman Randolph County maps Ransomville Reconnaissance Geochemistry in Gold-Pyrophyllite Belt, Northwestern MOORE County, NC - USGS Map MF-1301 Reconnaissance Geology of the Submerged and Emerged Coastal Plain Province, CAPE LOOKOUT Area, North Carolina - USGS Professional Paper 859 Red Oak Red Springs Red Springs Reelsboro Reelsboro Reelsboro Reepsville Reepsville Region J Geology: A Guide for North Carolina Mineral Resource and Land Use Planning NCGS Regional Geology Series 1 Reid Reid Reidsville Relation of Land Use to Streamflow and Water Quality at Selected Sites in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1993-98: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4180 Rennert Republican