This report presents data associated with a series of nine core holes drilled by rotasonic methods under contract from North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS) in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Eight of these cores were acquired along a 110 km (68 mile) segment of the North Carolina barrier island system known as the Outer Banks from Bodie Island (OBX-10) to Ocracoke village (OBX-14). The ninth location (OBX-18) was on the far northern Outer Banks in the village of Corolla (fig. 1). The rotasonic core data are provided on CD-ROM and can be used in two ways: 1) HTML format provides the user with a means to point and click their way through images of the cores, descriptive logs, and supporting data and information; 2) files that the user can open in their own image, text, or spreadsheet applications for whatever purpose they choose. Although the data files can be accessed through links contained in the HTML report, the user can also navigate to them via their operating system. A later section of this document (Using the Interactive Database) will provide information on how to use the HTML format and describe how to access the files on this CD-ROM. By Charles W. Hoffman, Kathleen M. Farrell, Jessica A. Pierson, Amy N. Ward, John G. Nickerson, Robert W. Brooks, and Jeremy G. Ganey, 2006.